Your Strongest Leadership Lever
Good leadership is like good sales, you make more progress when listening than while speaking. You are only a leader if you can engage people to follow you. They follow [...]
Full Engagement – Unlocking Profitability Through Employee Full Engagement
Are you constantly feeling the pressure to expand your team, assuming that more hands on deck will solve your productivity woes? If so, you're not alone. Many leaders find themselves [...]
Happy@Work – Engage Your Employees, Elevate Your Profits
Are you frustrated by the challenge of disengaged employees and the resulting loss of productivity? Today, so many leaders see their team members show up half-heartedly, solely for their paycheck. [...]
Creating Authentic, Supportive Workplaces for Women to Thrive
Jenean Merkel Perelstein is a Sociocultural Anthropologist who has implemented change strategies that have saved lives and made fortunes - from the prisons of India to the boardrooms of [...]
5 Common Mistakes of Workplace Recognition Programs
There’s a lot of buzz these days about recognition programs in the workplace and for good reasons. Recognition programs can make fantastically positive contributions to your workforce and your workplace [...]
Are You Craving The Personal Touch?
Our world is so full of automation and technology these days that we’re constantly interacting with people through the filter of whatever technological platform you may be using. Are you [...]
The Healing Power of Silence
My mentor told me a story last summer that rocked my world. Over the last few years we have all read about and been advised to the benefits that come [...]
The Top Three Reasons You Need To Be Focusing On Your Workplace Culture
Recently, I was visiting a client in the Dallas- Ft. Worth area where I often use the wonderful services of Uber to get around. I don’t know if you know [...]
New year new look, outlook that is
It’s a new year and if you’re like me, you may be looking for ways to start the year off on the right foot so that we can all make [...]