Who We Are

Alchemie Academy was born from the idea that every leader and organization is worthy and capable of standing in their strength. And when they do, every strategy, skill deployed, and approach takes on greater effectiveness.

About Us
Our Philosophy

We believe that the keys to unlocking productivity and profitability lie in the hands and hearts of human capacity.
In our post-pandemic world of constant change, it’s the resilient leaders and workers who are making a positive impact. We believe in positive impact—for yourself and your workplace.
Have you ever tried to implement a strategy, policy, or skill set, only to be thwarted by the human condition? Along comes self-doubt, sabotage, and a gnawing sense that success is slipping through your grasp. The reason for this often comes from a misalignment between what you are doing and who you are as you do it. Our programs are the remedy to re-aligning the inner game of strength and confidence with the outer skills of leadership. The results are joy, happiness, increased productivity, and fulfillment… all that everyone deserves.
We believe that everyone deserves to sing in the shower every morning because they can’t wait to get to their day. No matter what the tasks at hand may be.

Founder & Chief Executive Officer
As a Business Anthropologist, Jenean Merkel Perelstein has studied behavior change across many different cultures. From the markets and prisons of India to the boardrooms across America, Jenean has learned and implemented change strategies that have saved lives and made fortunes.
Chief Operating Officer
Scott is a Change Management Specialist, Executive Coach, and has been supporting teams in times of change for more than 20 years. He knows how to enrich a sense of humanity in workers from the highest level of administration to the front lines.

“If you ever have the opportunity to work with Jenean, hear her speak, study her programs, or read her books- do it! You will not regret it. This is no small stuff. This is your life. Work with the best.”
– Craig M., Arizona Integrative Hypnotherapy
“Scott came to our university to lead us through a daunting project to improve services to campus. His ability to identify potential points of resistance and provide strategies to address them proactively was key to the project’s success. Scott has the correct blend of organizational, interpersonal, and strategic skills necessary to be a successful Project Manager. Personally, I benefitted greatly by learning effective change management tools and techniques courtesy of Scott’s experience.”
– Pete V. University of Illinois

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